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PurposeFULL Living Podcast

Apr 26, 2019

Perseverance is often a hidden work, taking tiny obedient steps. God may ask us to pick back up an idea, passion, or project we laid down.

Listen in as Amy and Tammy talk about being open to not only letting go of a project or ministry but also to returning to it when God prompts us.

How does perseverance challenge the...

Apr 18, 2019

We are excited to welcome Jamie as she shares her family's call to foster and adopt in the middle of raising their four biological kids. Listen in as one mother, who already mothered 11 of her younger siblings, realizes that all her parenting practice and years of raising her kids didn't always provide her with...

Apr 11, 2019


Listen in as Amy and Tammy share about their journeys when they first walked away from their faith and what it took for them to “come to our senses.” They give parents and friends of prodigals, insight into what most impacted them in the midst of their doubts, anger, and darkest questions about religion and...

Apr 4, 2019

Listen in as Amy and Tammy reflect on how our personalities factor into the way we interact with the world around us. Discover which personality test(s) they’ve found the most useful and consistent and how our personality can influence our purpose.

Hear Amy’s informative break down of her favorite...